June Review
We are officially half way through the season, another month has gone, so it's time for the monthly review.
First off, can I self promote a previous blog post on another blog post or is that redundant? I'll do it anyway. As an overview of the 2016 Rangers, they're scary good.I realize half of those facts became old news immediately after the afternoon game the day that post was made, however most are still worth knowing.
So far each monthly review has started with Ian Desmond, this month I'm changing it up!
Elvis Andrus:
Elvis is absolutely having himself his best season. He's been fun to watch defensively and offensively. As a fan, this is probably the most confident I've felt when Elvis comes to bat, or when a ball is hit to him. He's having fun but has showed up every game ready to play. And it's enjoyable. After the end to last season, it was very easy to wonder how that would affect his season this year. He has definitely proved he's moved passed that and it's quite obvious that the mistakes from last year has fueled him, which is all I could have hoped for. I'd really love to see it earn him a spot on the All Star team.
Ian Desmond:
Really I can't say much anymore. So here's some tweets to sum it up:
^Yes I retweeted myself, I'm running out of new things to say about how good Desmond is to make up for how stupid I was saying this wasn't going to work out at all.
Choo is definitely the guy I want at the plate in any situation. He seems to always get on base and even if he doesn't he sees as many pitches as possible before making an out. He's patient and seems to read pitches really well which I've seemed to notice more since he's been back. If the bases are loaded with 2 outs and I could pick any player to bat, Choo would probably be up there.
That Rain Delay:
I really don't have much to say about this except #Ridiculous but also LOL.But also how does this happen every 2 years??
Random notes:
I wrote 3 baseball blog posts between the May review and this: you can read them all here. My favorite of all is the most recent, so if you check it out I'd appreciate it quite a bit.
Mostly I talk about all the positive moments in a month but June gloom was in full effect: Rangers down to 2/5 of their starting rotation. Still 9 games ahead in the division but gee wiz.
7 of the next 10 games are against the Minnesota Twins AKA the worst team in baseball, that's a good way to finish before the All Star Break
Speaking of the All Star Break, fingers crossed the Rangers have at least one starter, they definitely deserve it.
Also what are your thoughts about a Pitcher's home run derby? I think it'd be fun to watch, however it'd have to be all National League pitchers right? Are there any AL pitchers that have been known to hit homers?
That time we all watched Chirinos' life flash before his eyes
So much is happening in one gif! Beltre goes from happy to murderous back to happy in the same amount of time Chirinos goes from happy to terrified to happy. Profar giggling because he got away with touching his head. I wonder how Beltre feels about his new bobblehead this year?