August Review
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Much like April's review, August is starting with an apology.So I have to admit, I wasn't on the Lucroy (much deserved) bandwagon.*hides behind laptop*And much like with the signing of Desmond, JD has once again made me look pretty stupid.Since Spring Training when Lucroy and the Rangers were put in the same sentence, I wasn't really on board. At the time, with Giminez and Chirinos and then with Holaday and Wilson, I thought the Rangers were fine in the catching department.I wasn't at all aware that Lucroy was an above average catcher. If someone had told me he belonged in the same circle as Posey and Molina, I would've been leading that bandwagon, or at the very least jumped on immediately.Considering I didn't start really following the Rangers until the 2011 season, an average to average-ish catcher is all I've known. I don't follow the National League all that closely. My knowledge of Lucroy was limited to what I saw on MLB network, which wasn't much.I probably could've done some reasearch on Lucroy as soon as his name was tossed out there, totally my bad.Basically what I'm saying here is we should all be happy I'm not in charge of trades. Secondly, sorry Lucroy for not wanting you at first but I'm super glad you're in a Rangers jersey now. Thanks JD.Now on to the rest of August...Significantly better than the suckiness that was July. So here's some highlights.
Beltre is still the greatest ever and proved so by giving us a great photo for sweeps:I mean he really just doesn't have any fun playing this game at all.
Cole Hamels gave us the greatest annoyed face ever (that I still can't find a place to save the gif, so someone help a girl out!)
The Texas Rangers signed Carlos Gomez, he hit a homer in his first at bat as a Ranger and the Astros GM immediately asked for a law to be made that the Rangers not be able to sign anyone the Astros release... probably.
Beltre got 2900 hits, Holland got his first.
Darvish homered and it was like seeing a unicorn.
And on the last August game, Odor hit a magical 2-run walk-off homer. I totally got emotional about it. And so did Banny.

September baseball is my favorite and I can't wait to write about the AL West Division Champs at the end of this month. As of this very moment, the Rangers magic number is 17. So it seems like September is gonna be a fun one. PS if you didn't hear the exciting news, October 1st- Colby Lewis bobblehead night! You're welcome PSS I didn't have a July Review so here's my favorite gif from July