Instagram is my favorite social media platform when it comes to blogging. Which may be obvious since I (try to) post at least once daily. I love looking at and taking photos so it's no surprise I gravitate towards Instagram, I like to think of it as it's own mini blog. What I can't make a full post about, or even half post, if I just have one photo of something that I really love or just one small thought about something, it goes on Instagram. It's kind of a catch-all. What's on this blog, has definitely been mentioned on Instagram, but sometimes there are posts on Instagram that never makes it on the blog (except on that little sidebar ;) )In the month that I wasn't posting on here because I just didn't have the time, I was posting on Instagram daily. Since you can't directly link to anything on instagram, I decided it would be fun to make a post of those photos here with links to on each photo to view the caption; everything that's still available, linked below