Processed with VSCO with s3 preset
I am so excited to share this post with y'all! A few weeks ago, Italked about my love of photographyand that I loved looking through old photos and slides that my grandpa took. The one thing I hate about the digital age is I don't feel obligated to print photos. And if I don't print them, I only look at them long enough to post on Instagram or to put on an external hard drive.I think the last time I printed photos was a few years ago for a collage I made but it was disappointing because some photos didn't print in the right direction or the color was off. With being able to edit photos and crop them in somewhat "abnormal" sizes, they don't always print how you see them, they're zoomed in to fit the print. (Am I making sense here?!)Anyway, I was so happy when Printiki reached out to me to have some photos printed and share them with y'all. This was the easiest way to print, seriously!First let me just say, they gave me 30 free prints in exchange for talking about my experience with them and to share a discount code with y'all! So I totally wasn't paid to sing their praises, but I'm just super excited about getting photos printed! I feel so old school! :PI'm just a photography nerd that's super excited about have physical copies of photos![gallery ids="7095,7116" type="rectangular"]I got square prints with a white boarder, to make them look like the older photos I have of my mom when she was a kid. They look a little more like they were taken before digital cameras, ya know what I'm talking about? There's like a feeling to it. They also have "retro prints" which make all your photos look like Polaroids (without the coast of a Polaroid camera!)You can link your Printiki account to your Instagram and Facebook so you can pull photos straight from your feed to print as well as uploading any from your computer!I got all square prints but you don't have to use square photos. The good thing about Printiki, you can zoom in and out, and rotate the photos and it'll show you exactly what the photo will look like when you print, so there's no surprises!They also make photo books and posters! Great for gifts ;)Also they print super fast, I placed my order one afternoon and the next day they were shipping to me!
Processed with VSCO with s3 preset